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Medical Tourism - Why come to the Cayman Islands?

Why come to the Cayman Islands for Health Care?

Well if the beautiful Caribbean waters doesn't convince you, then what will? Apart from the beautiful surroundings and amazing Hotels, there are a number of other reasons to come to Cayman which are outlined below.

Affordability and Cost-effectiveness

The low cost of medical procedures, is the number one reason why people go offshore for medical treatments. The savings can range between 30% and 80% of the cost that you would normally pay in the USA.

The main reason behind the low prices of medical treatments abroad is the low cost of labor in the popular medical tourism destinations. The Cayman Islands is a good location for medical tourism as it has top quality JCI accredited Hospitals and after the procedures have been carried out the patient can then enjoy the benefits of what the Island has to offer by staying in a top-quality Hotel and being cared for by in-house specialists that Caring Hands Cayman can offer.

High-Quality Healthcare

Medical centers in the Cayman Islands have acquired accreditation from well-known international organizations such as JCI, JCAHO and ISO to express their dedication to excellence. Caring Hands Cayman works under the principles of JCI and are currently working towards accreditation.

Immediate Service

Another advantage of medical tourism is the immediate access to health care services. For those who have come from countries with public health care systems, medical tourism offers them the chance to be placed on the priority list. When dealing with matters of health, waiting is not always an option. By coming to be treated in the Cayman Islands, one can expect great weather as well as luxurious surroundings. Caring Hands Cayman can provide in Hotel services after procedures have been carried out. We also have excellent re-admission rates with only two patients being re-admitted in 2017 after procedures being carried out. By using a Homecare provider this also helps reduce the bill and if there are co-pay options this would be welcome. In addition, would you rather recover in a Hospital or in a top-quality Hotel with all the benefits that the Hotel would have to offer? There is an increase in osteoarthritis

(reported by Web MD this means that the incidence of Hip replacements is also increasing. There has been an increase of over 92% of hip replacements for people over 75, but there has also been an increase of over 205% in hip replacements for people between 45-54. The cost of a hip replacement in the US can be more than 60-70% more expensive than here in the Cayman Islands and the recovery time is also quite lengthy. As such Caring Hands Cayman could assist in reducing the overall cost of care in hip replacements by decreasing the time spent in Hospital.

Triage visit

At Caring Hands Cayman our experienced Nursing team provide a triage visit in the Hospital before the patient is discharged. This ensures that the nursing staff can effectively plan for the discharge of the patient and ensure that the best care plan is put in place before the patient is ready to leave Hospital. If required, an ambulance can then be arranged to transport the patient to their Hotel of choice. Care can be provided round the clock or at intervals to suit the patient. This ensures that the patient can recover in the luxurious surroundings of the Cayman Islands and enjoy all the amenities that the Hotel has to offer.

Improved Flight and Communication Services

Most procedures performed abroad can be scheduled via the internet or by phone. People have the flexibility to book flights and schedule surgery procedures from the comfort of their own home. This eliminates the inconvenience of going to the hospital or clinic for evaluations and assessments. The only time a person has to leave their house is on the day or week of the surgery, or procedure. Once the patient is ready to be discharged, Caring Hands Cayman can arrange transportation to the Hotel of their choice and then provide round the clock care for the patient as they recover.

Travel Opportunities

Even though medical tourism is about obtaining medical care, a side benefit of medical tourism is having the opportunity to travel to another country. The Cayman Islands has a wealth of good Hotels and restaurants which the recovering traveler can try. This would be much better than Hospital food for sure!

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